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Harris Hamilton

My Location

Edinburgh, Scotland

I'm a 21 year old full stack web developer currently completing my HND at Edinburgh College, where I've also earned my HNC over the past 4 years. I specialize in creating professional, responsive & accessible websites.

My Background

More About Me

From a young age I was fascinated with computers, fuelled by my love for video games and my creative, artistic mind. Even though I wasn't particularly good at drawing or painting.

This naturally led me to want to learn web development. I remember stumbling across a tutorial on youtube about how to make a website with HTML and CSS and instantly knowing this was for me.

Having left high school with no computing experience apart from Scratch and Excel/Word, I knew Edinburgh College would be the perfect place for me to develop my skills.

I aspire to become a professional full stack developer, as knowing my designs and work could contribute to someone having a good experience, and therefore a good day, aligns with who I am as a person.

Key Qualities

Team Player Icon

Team Player

I work great in a team due to leading multiple group projects successfully. I also captained my football team for 10+ years.

Effective Communicator Icon

Effective Communicator

I communicate well with peers. My communication skills were refined as team captain, and further developed in academic projects.

Driven Icon


I am driven towards the completion of my task. I always give my best effort to complete my work.

Eager To Learn Icon

Eager To Learn

I am ready to learn new skills, softwares and languages/frameworks where required.

My Tech Stack





Core Languages

HTML5 Icon HTML5 Tooltip Icon


I have a good understanding of HTML5, I aim to use as much semantic HTML as possible in my work.

CSS3 Icon CSS3 Tooltip Icon


I am gaining experience with Flex & Grid, as I have only recently switched from Bootstrap.

PHP Icon php Tooltip Icon


I have a good understanding of php and I view it as my best language, though I am still expanding my knowledge.

SQL Icon SQL Tooltip Icon


I enjoy using SQL and have a decent understanding of it, however real world experience is limited as I have only just started creating full stack projects.

JavaScript Icon JavaScript Tooltip Icon


I don't have as much experience as I would like to, good understanding but basic practical experience.

TypeScript Icon TypeScript Tooltip Icon


I know the difference between TypeScript and JavaScript, but I am holding off learning it until the summer, to allow me to build up my skills with JavaScript.


Bootstrap Icon BootstrapCSS Tooltip Icon


Good understanding of Bootstrap 4/5 and the utility classes, however I am trying to phase it out of my projects in favour of Vanilla CSS.

TailwindCSS Icon TailwindCSS Tooltip Icon


Learning ongoing, understand the utility-first approach, but limited hands-on experience so far.

React Icon React.js Tooltip Icon


Learning in College, I understand it's purpose and basics but early in journey as my learning has only just started.

Vue3 Icon Vue.js Tooltip Icon


I haven't started learning Vue, however I am interested in learning it.

Development & Design Tools

phpMyAdmin Icon phpMyAdmin Tooltip Icon


I have a good understanding of phpMyAdmin and have used it for all my work regarding SQL to date.

phpMyAdmin Icon XAMPP Tooltip Icon


I am using XAMPP as my local development environment, to allow me to develop full stack websites/web apps from home.

Figma Icon Figma Tooltip Icon


I use Figma regularly for project planning and wireframes.

npm Icon npm Tooltip Icon


I used npm mainly to spin up my local development environment when working with Tailwind, however I would like to learn more about it.

My Projects

Limelight Cinema

Limelight Cinema

php & SQL

LLC is my first Full Stack project. It uses php & SQL to query the backend database and render it out on screen. I really tried to think like a web developer in this project, and I went into it with everything planned out to the minute details in regards to design, layout and functionality. It comes packed with features, it features CRUD Functionality for the admin, ticket booking system and an ability to change your preferred cinema, which will update showtimes of movies you want to watch. It is my best work yet, and it isn't 100% finished, with some pages to still be completed, and ui elements to be updated for responsiveness.

Credentials are found within the README file on Github.

Organic Me

Organic Me


Organic Me was my first experience using Bootstrap CSS in a web project. I created this responsive website for a hypothetical organic café, implementing key Bootstrap components like the navbar, grid system, and cards. While simple in structure, this project allowed me to solve real layout challenges and learn how to customize Bootstrap's utility classes within a live environment. The site features a functional contact form, embedded media elements, and ScrollReveal.js animations that enhance the user experience. Today, I would approach this differently by using vanilla CSS and create reusable snippets of code, but this initial project sparked my passion for web development and established my foundation in responsive design.

Border Bike King

Border Bike King


Border Bike King was my end of year HNC Graded unit Piece. It uses Bootstrap CSS to create a responsive website. The UI looks a bit dated in some areas, however the main focus of this project was the JavaScript element we were required to implement. I decided to create a JavaScript product sorting menu, which I believe is the standout feature of the website. I incorporated other multimedia elements such as a custom-made video component to create a more engaging user experience. While there are design choices I wouldn't replicate today, I'm proud of the technical implementation and problem-solving demonstrated in this project.